Solar Roadmap Platform Update


ASTI Newsletter | Winter 2015 Edition


It has been almost four years since the launch of the Solar Roadmap platform for communities, it’s a good time to take stock of what we’ve accomplished through the platform so far.

There are now (246) participating communities and utilities on the Solar Roadmap from twenty states. Each of these participants benefits from the customized set of goals in their Roadmap along with free technical assistance from the Solar Roadmap team to help them install more solar. These participants are in geographic clusters across the U.S., with the following regional representation:

  • (110) West, (58) Rocky Mountain Region, (29) National Capital Region, (23) Midwest, (22) Northeast, (4) Southeast

You can navigate to all of our participants on our National Map.

Currently we are tracking (4,526) individual solar goals for these participants. Numerous goals have been achieved as a result of Solar Roadmap support, and many others are in progress:



There is still time to get your community a free Solar Roadmap! Contact our team today to start the journey.



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