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Winter 2015 Edition
Your source for the latest news and updates related to the Solar Roadmap and American Solar Transformation Initiative (ASTI). Below is the current edition of our program newsletter with the latest program updates and other exciting highlights.
Program News: Platform Update
It has been almost four years since the launch of the Solar Roadmap platform for communities, it’s a good time to take stock of what we’ve done through the platform so far.
How much time does it take to install a solar PV System?
Learn about a typical timeline for a solar photovoltaic installation for multiple sites.
Solar for Schools
The Council of Independent Colleges in Virginia (CICV) is excited to announce the issuance of a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Solar Photovoltaic Projects on behalf of 15 colleges and universities participating in its Solar Market Pathways (SMP) project.
Energy Action Plans
Sierra Business Council has completed Energy Action Plans for several of its member communities. These Energy Action Plans focus on strategies and actions to increase the use of renewable energy and to continue to improve energy efficiency in existing facilities.