Silicon Valley Renewable Energy Project

The SV-REP is one of the largest multi-agency programs in the country focused on collaborative procurement of renewable energy. The Project was launched in 2008 by Joint Venture: Silicon Valley Network’s Public Sector Climate Task Force in partnership with the County of Santa Clara, California. The County partnered with eight additional public agencies, and Optony, an energy research and consulting firm that provided technical assistance on the project.

Lessons Learned:

  • Aggregated procurement yields significant volume discounts
  • Working together lowers administrative effort and transactions costs
  • Large projects attract better qualified vendors and financing solutions
  • Strategic site bundling and vendor evaluation reduced project risks and uncertainty
  • Established a new effective working structure between lead agency (County) and participants

Project Results:

  • Over 11MW of installed solar capacity online by mid-2012
  • Group-purchasing volume discounts for participants of 10% to 14%
  • Reduction in administrative and transaction costs by 75% for participating agencies
  • Regional economic activity of over $60M with approximately 300 jobs created
  • Energy cost savings of 2% to 19% from prevailing utility prices over the long-term
  • Best Practices Guide was created based on lessons learned

Multiple awards: California GEELA and National IREC Public Sector Innovation awards

For more information visit:
California Governor’s Environmental and Economic Leadership Awards Website
IREC Innovation Award Winners Webpage
Joint Venture: Silicon Valley Project Website
WRI Best Practices Guide and Case Study
Optony Website

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