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Fall 2015 Edition
Your source for the latest news and updates related to the Solar Roadmap and American Solar Transformation Initiative (ASTI). Below is the current edition of our program newsletter with the latest program updates and other exciting highlights.
Take Action: Collaborative Solar Procurements
Many communities interested in going solar are intimidated by the procurement barriers, namely the high transaction costs and administrative time required to learn about solar, find an installer, and enter into a contract. More communities are turning to collaborative procurements to overcome this hurdle.
Is There Still Time To Cash In On The Federal Solar Tax Credit?
The short answer is yes, the 30% solar tax credit is available until December 31st 2016. The solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) is the federal government’s most important cost reduction program for solar power systems.
AB2188 Compliance Map
The Center for Sustainable Energy has created an online tool to display up-to-date solar permitting information on California jurisdictions.
Solar at Water Treatment Plants
Municipal agencies are increasingly looking to water treatment plants for solar installations. These facilities have a high energy demand and large open areas, conditions that allow for installation with a high return on investment.