Adopting Solar Ready Building Standards


The solar industry is primarily a retrofit business with over 90% of solar installations occurring on existing buildings. This fact is unsurprising since the existing housing stock is much larger than the volume of new units built each year. Nonetheless, there is a noticeable lack of consideration for solar installations on new developments. The many advantages of incorporating solar at the time of construction – including lowering installation costs, mitigating roof life issues, and easier financing – is a huge missed opportunity.


Now is a great time to encourage solar-readiness for new buildings as steady growth in new housing is predicted over the next few years. We are starting to see action in this space; solar ready building standards are rolling out through new building code requirements, such as the International Green Construction Code, as well as via local municipalities who are choosing to get ahead of the curve and adopt local ordinances to promote solar ready standards. Many communities would like to join this wave but are unsure of how to proceed.


Discover what other communities have been doing, and to learn how to make these upgrades in your own community. We will cover background information on the types of standards and regulations that exist as well as case studies from local municipalities who have taken action.


To view essential resources on Z2, click here. For Z3, click here.


Webinar Details

This webinar is designed to help achieve Solar Roadmap Goals Z2 “Promote Solar Ready Construction via Ordinances or Building Codes” and Z3 “Require Solar on New Construction”.



  • Introduction and Background
  • About Solar Ready Building Standards
  • Case Studies
  • Getting Started
  • Q&A

The presentation is available from this link. If you would like to view the recording, please fill out the contact form.

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